![]() Sunset Park (ENG) - Pocket
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Sunset Park (ENG)
Av Paul Auster

Bok- presentation: |
Sunset Park (ENG) |
Författar- presentation: |
Paul Auster |
Finns i lager,
96 kr
In the sprawling flatlands of Florida, 28-year-old Miles is photographing the last lingering traces of families who have abandoned their houses due to debt or foreclosure. Miles is haunted by guilt for having inadvertently caused the death of his step-brother, a situation that caused him to flee his father and step-mother in New York 7 years ago. What keeps him in Florida is his relationship with a teenage high-school girl, Pilar, but when her family threatens to expose their relationship, Miles decides to protect Pilar by going back to Brooklyn, where he settles in a squat to prepare himself to face the inevitable confrontation with his father that he has been avoiding for years. Pulsing with the energy of Auster's previous novel, "Invisible", "Sunset Park" is as mythic as it is contemporary, as in love with baseball as it is with literature. It is above all, a story about love and forgiveness - not only among men and women, but also between fathers and sons.
Bok: 232772
Anmäl textfel
Paul Auster
Han bröt igenom som författare 1987 med New York Trilogin och är idag medlem i både American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003) och American Academy of Arts and Letters (2006). Hans skönlitterära verk, såväl som filmanus, essäer och poesi har gett honom ett väl omtalat rykte i den litterära världen.